California Requiring Zero-Emission Forklifts

Wayne Schooling • July 31, 2024

Once again California is raising its ugly head just like a snake in the grass. Making fleets operating in California to phase out the use of large spark-ignited forklifts and use zero-emissions forklifts, according to a new regulation from the California Air Resources Board.

Fleets operating in California must phase out the use of large spark-ignited forklifts and use zero-emissions forklifts, according to a new regulation from the California Air Resources Board.

Under the rule, approved June 27, manufacturers cannot produce or sell Class IV and Class V LSI forklifts — categories that largely operate on propane, gasoline and natural gas — for use in California beginning in 2026.

The rule also phases out the use of spark-ignited forklifts by large fleets, defined as 26 units or more, starting in 2028. The phase-out schedule is by model year and designed so that no forklift is required to be phased out before it is 10 years old.

Smaller fleets will phase out use of spark-ignited forklifts starting in 2029.

CARB acknowledged that there are higher upfront cost for zero-emission forklifts but said fuel savings over time mean savings for most fleets.

Targeted forklifts affected by the regulation include:

  • All Class IV forklifts
  • Class V forklifts with rated capacity of 12,000 pounds or less

This rule addresses more than 89,000 spark-ignited forklifts currently operating in the state.

The regulation includes compliance extensions for delays with infrastructure construction, infrastructure site electrification, zero-emission forklift delivery, and operational issues if a zero-emission forklift cannot meet an operator’s needs.

Timeline for Phase-Out of Spark-Ignited Forklifts

Starting in 2026 except in limited circumstances:

  • Manufacturers cannot produce or sell Targeted Forklifts in California
  • Fleet operators cannot acquire Targeted Forklifts

Starting in 2028 and extending to 2038:

  • Existing Targeted Forklifts phased-out by model year (MY)
  • Phase-out schedule designed so that no forklift phased out before 10 years old
  • Less stringent provisions for small fleets

For the first compliance date only, the new rule will limit required turnover to:

  • 50% of forklifts for large fleets
  • 25% of forklifts for small fleets

CARB emphasized that fleet operators need to contact their electric utility provider no later than March 31, 2026, to initiate discussions regarding potential electrical-service installation or necessary upgrades.

ZEV Forklift Technology

Forklifts are well-suited for widespread adoption of zero-emission technology, and about half of forklift sales in California today are zero-emission, according to CARB. Zero-emission forklifts are already widely used in indoor applications like warehouses.

New technology emerging for zero-emission forklifts include lithium-ion ZEFs (higher energy density and longer lifespan) and fuel cell models that allow for quick refueling. 

Editor Note: First, it was autos, then it was buses and trucks, now forklifts. Where does the insanity stop.

Has anyone ever thought in their perfect world of all electric homes, gadgets and toys, what would happen if some terrorist group ever blew up the electrical grid. All of American would come to a grinding halt.

Back in 1605, Don Quixote, said,” It is the part of a wise man to keep himself today for tomorrow, and not venture all his eggs in one basket.” 

In other words, do not risk everything on one venture, plan, idea, product or person and risk losing everything.

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