At the NTA, our goal is to help keep you abreast of the very latest in government regulations and policy in the transportation industry. However, the constantly
changing nature of government regulations makes it impossible to guarantee the total and absolute accuracy of all materials contained herein or presented.
The NorthAmerican Transportation Association (NTA) cannot and does not assume any responsibility for omissions, errors, misprinting or ambiguity contained.
The NTA shall not be held liable in any degree for any loss, damage or injury caused by any such omission, error, misprinting or ambiguity present.
While the NTA is here to provide you with free Safety Advice, the NTA is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional service.
If legal advice or other expert service is required, the services of such a professional should be sought.
If there is a subject you don't see listed here and you would like to know more about, please contact us and we will do our best to add in any available resources!
NEW! New Entrant Safety Audits
Terry E. Morgan
Contributing Safety Consultant and Expert Witness
Terry E. Morgan has been a credentialed transportation expert for over 50 years, having been employed in management at two Fortune 100 manufacturing corporations, as an owner of a trucking company, family-owned regional motor carrier, general manager of a diversified trucking and distribution corporation, as well as a college transportation/business instructor at two colleges, and a consultant/expert witness.
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