As a consumer, it’s easy to understand the importance of an excellent credit score should you wish to obtain a loan. As a business owner, however, navigating the world of credit and lending can be much more extensive. In business, especially in a privately-held or family-owned business where the owner or owners are filling many roles, a close, working relationship with a local bank can be essential to a business’ long-term success.
Even if you don’t have a great borrowing need now, it’s still a good idea to establish a solid working relationship with a trusted bank. In doing so, you will have already established some good will with the bank, allowing the banker to gain general knowledge of your business. Plus, you’ll already have a proven track record with your bank before ever even applying for a loan.
At NorthAmerican Transportation Association, they report every member to Ansonia Credit out of Olympia, WA. NTA wants to be able to help the small to medium companies all across the United States to build their credit ratings and Ansonia Credit is the next-generation business credit report service.
The process of applying for a business loan starts before ever entering into the process. Cisco Gonzalez, BusinessFunding4You’s Senior Credit Officer and NTA’s endorsed Service Provider, commented that it’s essential to work with a reputable Certified Public Accountant (CPA) to help you prepare accurate, current financial information. NTA also can help find a CPA for its members.
To help ensure a successful lending meeting, gather the following information to bring:
“Remember, the more accurate and complete information you bring to the lender,” Gonzalez said, “the higher probability you and your business will be considered creditworthy and have access to the funds it needs.” Many borrowers may not realize that most reputable lenders use standards in which to prudently evaluate potential borrowers. They’re considered the “Five C’s of Credit,” including Capacity, Collateral, Character, Capital, and Conditions.
Capacity – Your capacity to re-pay the loan is an extremely important part of the five “C’s”. In fact, Gonzalez said “A company’s sustainable, identifiable cash-flow is the most important part of the five C’s in credit.” In an effort to manage their own business risks, a lending institution’s credit department will need to verify the creditworthiness of the business owner or owners. As the saying goes, “Cash flow is king”. That same holds true for borrowing. A lending institution wants to know if the business has the proven ability to re-pay the terms of the loan with proper cash flow.”
Collateral – Collateral is defined by Merriam-Webster as a property (such as securities) pledged by a borrower to protect the interests of the lender. Collateral is considered the secondary source of repayment on a loan. Meaning, this is how lending institutions will get paid if the main source of repayment, or the capacity, becomes inadequate.
Character – Character is one of the most important aspects of the five C’s of credit to family-owned and privately-held businesses. Character is key for family-owned and privately-held businesses which many of NTA’s member are. “This is because of the multi-generational nature of family-owned businesses. They want to uphold the values that were passed down to them or that they’ll hand over to the next generation. The owners are essentially the people behind the business.”
Gonzalez explained, “At BusinessFunding4You, we’ll go the extra mile to ensure we understand the numbers and the character of the people behind the numbers. To further support family-owned and privately-held businesses, we approach our lending with a long-term relationship mindset and not just as a single transaction.” Gonzalez added, “Having a working relationship established with a commercial lending institution officer that has the experience within their organization to advocate for you can have a large impact.”
Capital – Capital, or one’s assets, is considered a representation of the credit worthiness of the borrower. Capital is a form of equity investment into the company. “Again, lenders want to know that the borrower has some “skin in the game” and is committed to the long-term success of the business,” said Gonzalez. “Lending institutions are not angel investors in a business, but rather long-term partners.”
Conditions – The conditions of the economy and competitive landscape are also part of the equation. Lending institutions take into consideration any outside support as well as the volatility and profitability of the industry. “In the past, I’ve had prospective borrowers unable to continue their business due to the impact of federal and/or state regulations standards set forth to their specific industry at that time,” he said. “What’s going on within a prospective borrowers’ industry is also part of the consideration for lending.”
It’s important to stay in contact with your lending institution, keep him or her informed of any changes to your situation, and, of course, to remain honest and upfront. With BusinessFunding4You’s structuring and localized decision-making, rest assured you’ll not only receive prompt service but also direct access to the ones making the decisions. As always, BusinessFunding4You’s team of trusted advisors is available to help guide you through the lending process.
As always NorthAmerican Transportation Association stands by its motto of
“Helping Others To Succeed In Business.”
Click Here for more information on loan types and the Loan Application
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