FMCSA has updated the SMS Website with the October 29, 2021 results. Complete SMS results are available to enforcement users and motor carriers that are logged into the SMS Website.
Warning Letters Sent Based on Unsafe Driving BASIC Results
FMCSA recently changed which carriers are sent warning letters based on Unsafe Driving BASIC results. Previously, carriers could receive warning letters for this BASIC if they met the prioritization threshold for interventions or further monitoring (50% for passenger carriers, 60% for HM carriers, and 65% for all other carriers).
With the September 24, 2021 snapshot, all carriers may receive warning letters for this BASIC if their percentile is at 50% or above. FMCSA is sending warning letters to more carriers based on Unsafe Driving BASIC results, so they have the chance to improve their safety performance and compliance sooner, and without further intervention.
The percentile thresholds for prioritization are not changing. Carriers that have BASICs with an “Alert” symbol (gold triangle with an exclamation point) may be prioritized for interventions or further monitoring. This is simply an update to when carriers are eligible to receive warning letters for the Unsafe Driving BASIC. The prioritization thresholds are still used as the basis for sending out warning letters for the other BASICs.
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