Federal Truck Leasing Task Force Seeking Help From Truckers

Wayne Schooling • March 4, 2024

FMCSA Wants to See Examples of Predatory Truck Leasing Agreements but Also Hear About Good Experiences

Federal trucking regulators have requested truckers, especially owner-operators, to assist the agency’s truck leasing task force by providing information on leasing agreements that they believe are unfair.

The task force, specially appointed by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, then may use the information at its future meetings and ultimately apply what members learn to shape their findings in a report on predatory lease agreements to the secretary of transportation.

The task force, a requirement of the bipartisan infrastructure law, requires the transportation secretary, in consultation with the labor secretary, to establish the leasing task force to examine the terms, conditions and equability of common truck leasing arrangements, particularly as they impact owner-operators.

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