ATRI Issues Call for Motor Carriers to Participate in Annual Operational Costs Data Collection

March 8, 2023

ATRI has issued a request for motor carriers to participate in its annual
Operational Costs of Trucking research.

ATRI’s 15th-annual
Operational Costs of Trucking is one of the most used and most comprehensive benchmarking tools in the trucking industry. ATRI confidentially collects costs and operational data directly from trucking fleets and owner-operators, and its analysis reveals key trends for fleets of each sector, size, and region. Participating fleets will receive a customized report comparing your cost metrics to fleets of a similar size and sector.

"ATRI’s Ops Costs report is indispensable for benchmarking our operations; it confirms what we are doing well and notes where we can achieve additional cost savings,” said James Burg, James Burg Trucking Company President and CEO. “And the customized peer-group assessment is invaluable to our benchmarking activities.”


For-hire motor carriers are encouraged to provide operational cost data to ATRI by Friday, April 28. All confidential information is protected, and it is published only in anonymized, aggregate form.


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